The Magician

And today’s card is The Magician. How fitting for early on a Monday morning (I’ll explain below). Waite gives the following in relation to his meanings for this card: Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety; sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies; self-confidence, will; the Querent, if male. Reversed – physician, Magus, mental disease, disgrace, disquiet.
You will probably notice that I tend to simplify the cards somewhat. It doesn’t mean at all that I don’t take into account their complexity, however, like most things in life, they can be brought down to a simple level, and are therefore easier then for everybody to understand.
The Magician stands before a table, with elements of all four suits of the minor arcana in front of him, at his disposal. He has a wand in his right hand raised to the sky, and his left downard towards the earth. Quite simply, he is drawing on all his resources in order to do what needs to be done. The power of the earth, the sky, and all the elements are required in this instance.
The Magician comes into play for all of us in many aspects of our lives. Are you starting a business, and need to put your all into its inception? Are you trying to hold yourself together in a very stressful situation? All aspects of The Magician. I mentioned The Magician in relation to Monday morning. Did I want to get up this morning and go to work? Not really, and real effort was required to get myself up and motivated, drawing on those resources to do what just needed to be done.