Ace of Swords
Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force. It is a card of great force, in love as well as in hatred. The […]

Two of Swords
And today’s card is the Two of Swords. I’ll start with Waite’s description of the card, which is: Conformity and the equipoise which it suggests, courage, […]

Three of Swords
Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, and all that the design signifies naturally, being too simple and obvious to call for specific enumeration. Reversed – […]

Four of Swords
So, today, we have the Four of Swords. Waite gives this card the following meanings: Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit’s repose, exile, tomb and coffin. It […]

Five of Swords
Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonour, loss, with the variants and analogues of these. Reversed – the same; burial and obsequies.

Six of Swords
Journey by water, route, way, envoy, commissionary, expedient. Reversed – declaration, confession, publicity; one account says that it is a proposal of love.

Seven of Swords
Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance. The design is uncertain in its import, because the significations are widely […]

Eight of Swords
Bad news, violent chagrin, crisis, censure, power in trammels, conflict, calumny; also sickness. Reversed – disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery; what is unforeseen; fatality.

Nine of Swords
Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair. Reversed – imprisonment, suspicion, doubt, reasonable fear, shame.

Ten of Swords
And today, we have the Ten of Swords. Waite’s interpretation of this card is: Whatsoever is intimated by the design; also pain, affliction, tears, sadness, […]

Page of Swords
Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, and the qualities thereto belonging. Reversed – more evil side of these qualities; what is unforeseen, unprepared state; […]

Knight of Swords
Skill, bravery, capacity, defence, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin. There is therefore a sense in which the card signifies death, but it […]

Queen of Swords
Waite denotes the Queen of Swords as: Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation. Reversed – A bad woman; malice, bigotry, artifice, […]

King of Swords
And today we have the King of Swords. As usual, I’ll give Waite’s representation of the card, being: Whatsoever arises out of the idea of […]