Ten of Swords

And today, we have the Ten of Swords. Waite’s interpretation of this card is: Whatsoever is intimated by the design; also pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation. It is not especially a card of violent death. Reversed – advantage, profit, success, favour, but none of these are permanent; also power and authority.
Once again, I deviate slightly from Waite’s description, which, is possibly, a bit too negative. People always strive for the positive, and this is no exception. The ten, while it looks ominous, is anything but. Tens are cards of completion, and if you look at the card closely, there is daybreak in the background. The ending of one cycle and onto the next. We can look at the figure on the ground. It is slightly overdramatic. It only takes one sword to kill, however, this body has ten swords embedded in it. I go along with Rachel Pollack on this one, ie there is the sense of the overdramatic in all of this, and is the situation not nearly as bad as one possibly thinks.
Take a step back, take a breather, and reevaluate the situation. Look to the horizon and see the sunlight and the new day, for it is always there.